Monday, January 28, 2008

In the Year 2525....

So I spent all day Friday watching Cleopatra 2525. I know, hokey late night sci-fi, but Gina Torres from Firefly is in it!
Funny story about that! I get up in middle of the night, possibly early Friday morning (3am) to go potty and Barry is out in the living room watching TV. I usually don't put on my glasses for my midnight potty run since I already know where everything is. After I'm done, I decide to visit Barry for a couple of minutes before heading back to bed. He's watching Cleopatra 2525 (which I didn't care to watch). Well, one of the characters says something and I recognize her voice. "Is that Zoe?!" (Gina Torres' character in Firefly) Barry said "Holy crap! I watched this show for at least 15 minutes trying to figure out where I knew her from and had to go look it up on IMDB to find out who she was."
I got sidetracked. Back to what I was saying. All day watching this show....I was also trying to work on a new pair of socks while I watched it. I think I ripped them out at least 5 times that day. My gauge was too small, so I had to adjust the numbers and ended up making them too big, then too small, then I twisted stuff, then I put them on my needles wrong. Arg! I put them aside and got started on another pillow. Here's a picture of the first one I made using the yarn that Rick got me for my birthday:

It's nice and soft! Suede yarn. I'm making my other one out of the brown/orange color combos and a little bit smaller so it fits the pillow form better.
Also from watching Cleopatra 2525, I found my new haircut!
I think it'll look great with glasses too. That's a problem I have with looking for a new haircut. You never know how it'll look with glasses. Sometimes glasses can throw off the whole haircut. Anyway, I'll dying it with bright reds and oranges.

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