Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Candidate Calculator

Someone sent this to me at work today and I thought it was pretty cool.
2008 Candidate Calculator.
I was at 92% for Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel and at 68% for Hillary and Obama.
I also learned about FairTax which I have never heard of before. It takes away income tax and replaces it with a nationwide 25% sales tax. So, you're tax on what you SPEND not on what you earn. I think that's great! All those billionaires with their million dollar yachts paying 23% on taxes for that. I feel that too many rich people can get around paying income taxes by paying high priced lawyers and accounts to get around it. I do think there should be some kind of program for people that earn under a certain amount to purchase NECESSITIES tax free (food, clothing & medication).
I doubt it'll ever happen, but I think it's a great idea.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentimes!!!

How long have you been together? 8 years

How long did you date? We started dating on 6/26/99, moved in together a year later, got married 9/10/06.

How old is he? 29 in May

Who eats more? He eats more. He's freakin' 6' 4"!

Who said “I love you” first? Barry did.

Who is taller? He's exactly 1 foot taller than me.

Who is smarter? I am by a little bit.

Who does the laundry? We each do our own.

Who does the dishes? We share. He claims he does them all the time, but I do them on Friday every week.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.

Who pays the bills? I do. I'm the saver and he's the spender.

Who mows the lawn? There's no lawn!

Who cooks dinner? We usually do our own, but that's because we mostly do tv dinners and get home at different times. We need to get into cooking real food more.

Who is more stubborn? Barry's more stubborn.

Who kissed who first? Barry kissed me first.

Who asked who out? I guess I did. It wasn't really a date, it was more like, "Hey, there's a guy that likes the same kind of music I do, I should invite him to a show." Then we go to know each other better and he asked me to be his girlfriend.

Who proposed? Barry did (after I told him we were getting married).

Who is more sensitive? I'm not sure. He's definitely more sensitive than most guys, but I cry at arthritis commercials.

Who has more friends? Me.

Who has more siblings? Barry. He's got 5, I've got 0.

Who are you tagging? Barry

Just so you know, I did not spell my title incorrectly. There was an episode of 30 Rock last year where Rachel Dratch played a drunk Russian prostitute and she kept yelling "Happy Valentimes!" to everyone. A great show! I highly recommend it!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Got Our Foot in the Door!

Barry and I put in an offer on a condo and it was accepted! We had the inspection on Saturday and everything was pretty cool. We have to install some GFI outlets and probably get a new water heater, but it's nothing we can't handle.
I'm really exhausted right now, so I'm not going to write a lot, but I will leave a link to pictures of the new place!
Our House, In the Middle of Our Street!