Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Some Completed Projects

I just wanted to show off some completed projects.
First, I have Amy's (Barry's sister) baby gift.
It's a crocheted stuffed bear, baby hat and blanket. They are all made from baby acrylic yarn. The bear was super hard. The first row of crocheting is always the hardest and this whole thing was made so that it was like doing the first row throughout the whole thing. This bear is truly one of a kind since I won't be making another.

Next is a baby hat, booties and mittens.
These items are for a girl in my knitting group. She quit her day job to dye yarn for a living. Here's her website: A Swell Yarn Shop. This is some of her work. She has a show coming up in late September (or early October) and she needed some knitted samples.

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