Friday, September 28, 2007

I Can Make Yarn!

I went to the Puyallup Fair last week with Charles. He works with me at the shop. We saw all of the animals and all of the stuff they sell on TV. I picked up a drop spindle while I was there for super cheap!
I made this:
It took me about 3 days to do. It's not very big, but I'm quite proud of myself!
Here's a picture of my spindle:
And here's the roving that I picked up to make some more:
The new stuff I bought is a lot more slippery than the roving that came with the spindle. I also saw a woman with a spinning wheel made out of pvc pipes and a wheel chair wheel. Neat!

I also made breakfast this morning. I'm quite proud of myself! It's a layer a hash browns, then some cheese, then a mixture of eggs, ham & green onions topped with more cheese. It came out really well.
Now, I'm working on a stew I got from watching Good Eats. I've already got my meat in the oven. Only 5 more hours to go! I hope it comes out okay. I feel confident because my breakfast came out so well. Today, it a good cooking mojo day! (I hope!)


Blank said...

The breakfast was yummy too! Your turning into such a great homemaker. ;D Cooking, making yarn...

Paula said...

Shut up, you male chauvinist pig!
j/k It's my hubby! ;D