Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Candidate Calculator

Someone sent this to me at work today and I thought it was pretty cool.
2008 Candidate Calculator.
I was at 92% for Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel and at 68% for Hillary and Obama.
I also learned about FairTax which I have never heard of before. It takes away income tax and replaces it with a nationwide 25% sales tax. So, you're tax on what you SPEND not on what you earn. I think that's great! All those billionaires with their million dollar yachts paying 23% on taxes for that. I feel that too many rich people can get around paying income taxes by paying high priced lawyers and accounts to get around it. I do think there should be some kind of program for people that earn under a certain amount to purchase NECESSITIES tax free (food, clothing & medication).
I doubt it'll ever happen, but I think it's a great idea.

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