Friday, December 22, 2006

First Post

This week has been a hectic one. We lost power last weekend, which is when I planned to get all of my Christmas shopping done. I got Barry to do a bunch of shopping for me on Saturday because I had to work. I'm going shopping for him today.
I've decided that if Barry and I have a kid, it's name will have to begin with a J. That way, we could be PB & J! Dorky, I know. But Jedi Currey! What an awesome name! If I were a really big Star Wars geek, but I've gotten some laughs at the shop.

I started reading the first Dragonlance book. It's been pretty good. I might continue with the rest of the series.
Right now I'm hoping that I'll get the rest of the Dark Tower books for Christmas. I need to finish the last 3 before February. Marvel is coming out with a Dark Tower prequel. I'm really excited about it. This book will hopefully bring in a lot of people who've never read comics before.

I'm catching up on some Gilmore Girls today. Our TIVO didn't recognize the new channel when it switched over, so we missed the first 4 episodes of the season.
We also have Disc 3 of Deadwood Season 1. I hate westerns, but this series is great! I've been trying to be patient waiting for Barry to watch them together, but I might just watch them without him.

I'm working on Rick's Christmas socks. I don't have enough yarn to finish them, so they will be late. Rick got me some beautiful sock yarn for Christmas. Can't wait to use it!
I'm also making good progress on a scarf for myself.
I've got a ton of projects I want to get started on, but I'm trying to limit myself to 2 at a time.

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